
Showing posts with the label heat

It's hot, very hot

 The sambal or the weather? YES. So hot it burns? YES. But happiness prevails.

Selamat Pagi*, Malaysia

 OK, first things first, feet hurt.  And, it's HOT here. So what? 21 hours on airplanes - even with compression sleeves/socks (I used each) will result in cankles.  Man or woman.  It's just gonna happen.  It's happened to me before and gonna happen again.  No, they're too ugly (and white) to share with you.  That's for your own good.  Got it?  Good.  Move on. The heat is bad - mostly because it's not a dry heat.  And, at less than 4 degrees (north, as if that matters)  of latitude (that's less than 240nm for you weirdos - convert to statute miles or kilometres on your own)the sun is brutal on a balding pate (redundant?)  Note to self: the hat is on the door nob for a reason - wear it, no matter how hot it is, the sunburn would be fatal. But there is a strong breeze.  And, it will drop to about 75-80F at night.  I've got AirCon (as the cool ones say).  And, I knew -  a priori -  it would be this way.  Yeah, I may whine about it a bit.  You can re