
Showing posts with the label bare feet

A nice morning stroll...

 ...left me with sore feet, of course. 😀 By intent this time. My feet have been a bit rough lately.  And you know what emory boards or paper are without backing or support?  Sand, baby! Anyone who has spent a day at the beach knows it can be abrasive on the little piggies.  And the rest of the foot.  So, go to the beach, rub off a bunch of dead skin.  Not as good as those little skin eating fish in Singapore spas.  But still effective. I walked north hoping to see the other pill box.  Why?  Dunno.  Efforts in futility - others' futility - amuse me.  I am reading Dortmunder with glee after all. So I trudged happily this cold and frigid morning.  Shackleton, Amundsen, Scott, Perry, VagabondJim... Yes, the feels like temp only required 2 digits! (It rained yesterday in the evening, that may have helped.  Maybe.) Fear not, the Tilley Endurable Airflow hat has ample protection from sunburn and tropical frostbite.  Soon enough I was doused in sweat.  Soaked, doused, covered, aglow...yo