A Very Good Day
Quito, ~1545 Exhaustion is setting in and I'm doing my best to pay attention. Honest, I am. It's also about accepting limits and being smart. That's very hard to do here. Elevation is tough on a fat (but thinning) and balding dude. Today's sole destination: Science! (For kids) My two favorite museums, in the world, are Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry and Muenchen's Deutsches Museum. [Immediate digression, to live in the moment: While it has rained here everyday, it sounds like a doozy is about to blow in. Thunder for the first time. Big temp and light drop just now. Glad I'm blogging rather than logging footsteps at this moment. I hear the stores shuttering; I do not hear the touts. Oh, shit... 20 minutes later... I now have 3 bananas, some cookies and chips - perfect for a rainy night dinner. Plus about 4 litres of various fluids. Hydration matters at elevation. Supermercado Santa Maria must be...