Meta, Verse Two
I do not know her name. She had that "only in Asia" scowl on her face again today. I think of her as Mama Tudong. And, am coming to love her in her gruff way. I was ready, I mean really fucking ready, this time. She'd not outfox, outwit, fool me once again. I was gonna get my Mee Celup. I walked in, the first customer of the day. And, "in" is a loose word when a restaurant only has three walls. I mean, I walked under the roof. After a night of serious contemplation, strategizing, preparation I was really fucking ready. (Okay, the strike through was not there when I entered.) That says unambigously, and double checked against the big menu on the wall: "Mee Celup Beef." Take that, Mama Tudong!!! "No Mee Celup, you want Mee goreeng???" Huh? Look over at the menu again, hmmmm what do I want. "You want Mee goreeng!!! Mee goreeng daging!!!" I ain't gonna argue with you, Mama. "You want spicy?" "Of course I wan...