
Showing posts with the label Papas

Day 3 - Addendum

This is a pretty boring place if one doesn't speak Castilian well.  That's OK, I need a new type of boredom.  One that makes my feet sore, my heart thump, and can occasionally lead to backspasms. Quito is for wanderers.  It suits me. After writing this afternoon it was too early to retire.  And, I knew I'd need something else to eat.  I wandered.  What'd I see? Stuff like this, a gigantic convent on Plaza San Francisco.  Don't ask, I cannot remember which order  of nuns. That last shot is the best one I've taken so far, in my estimation.  It really captures the moment and place.  What I see is what I was experiencing.  That's cool.  It was not altered other than a crop.  That's the untouched colors and exposure.  So cool. Not bad for a phone camera that I do not like.  I do appreciate that it is making me think compositionally.  A lot.  Wide angle lenses are new to me.  My thoughts on photo equipment in the future are being reconsidered. Oh, a condor - w