On chickens, roads, and eggs.
After writing earlier I was tired enough to nap. Can one nap from 0600 - 0700? The sun was not up when I started dozing, that's not a nap. But I awoke after an hour. Hungry. So, hat on, I walked across the road. Existential threat be damned - I was no chicken today. And, I looked rightward. None of the collection of restaurants directly across the road were open. Except a guy selling Nasi Lemak from a card table. OK, I was a chicken and decided not to try roadside, wall-less vendors. Yet. I walked a hundred yards. One place was open and had a good crowd. But cowardice once again prevailed. I stand out pretty obviously here. Especially with white as snow legs and a funny hat. (I LOVE my Tilley Endurables hats. 2 came with me on this trip; the third is too heavy for this weather.) Fearing awkwardness is silly but real at times. I saw a bunch of cars parked in the road and people mil...