I ain't so bougie after all
There have been some fights as to whether I am "Boomer" (no, born in 1965, early X.) But the difference between simply enjoying some bourgeoisie habits and objects is in no way, shape, or means the same as a greed driven jackass. I am only a jackass. The last time I was in the Malay world, it was Singapore. I stayed at the St. Regis. It was luxee and bougie beyond belief. I loved it Simple wooden furniture. A view of the guardhouse and parking ramp. A surprisingly comfy bed but the couch is a wreck (so what, it sits just fine.) Simple, sufficient, and oddly satisfying. Alas, not quiet. Tile floors everywhere... Someone walks down the hall - I hear every footstep. And the odd rail-road like clickity-clack of rolled luggage crossing the grout. Housekeepers with carts and vacuums too. The folks upstairs have a serious propensity to drag the wooden chairs across the floor -- they just did are doing it now - at al...