
Showing posts with the label Food

Curiosity sets in...

This is a condo building.  A mix of residents, Air BnBs, and timeshares.  And it's 12 miles from town.  Not the best for exploring.  But, simple, comforting (AC!!!), and relaxing (well, other than the noise at times.)  The local "warungs" (family owned restaurants and stores) don't seem to open much.  Not sure why.  Off season?  Holiday week (tomorrow is both a state and federal holiday)?  "The Tropics"? "Whatevies"?  Sometimes my choices are rather limited. Especially when I fear the heat (weather or yesterday's sambal...) and don't wander far. Sunday I started to wander a bit.  It continues.  Not fearlessly.  But at least happily. Sunday was a beach stroll to the south - the pill box photo.  And, a refreshing Mango Mojito.  Nope, not booze.  This place is dry generally.  Just carbonated water, lemon, and mango puree.  Pretty damn good.  Sorry, no photo - think peach colored fizzy water with lemon...   The map also h

On chickens, roads, and eggs.

After writing earlier I was tired enough to nap.  Can one nap from 0600 - 0700?  The sun was not up when I started dozing, that's not a nap. But I awoke after an hour.  Hungry. So, hat on, I walked across the road.  Existential threat be damned - I was no chicken today.  And, I looked rightward.   None of the collection of restaurants directly across the road were open.  Except a guy selling Nasi Lemak from a card table.  OK, I was a chicken and decided not to try roadside, wall-less vendors.  Yet.  I walked a hundred yards.  One place was open and had a good crowd.  But cowardice once again prevailed.  I stand out pretty obviously here.  Especially with white as snow legs and a funny hat.  (I LOVE my Tilley Endurables hats.  2 came with me on this trip; the third is too heavy for this weather.)  Fearing awkwardness is silly but real at times. I saw a bunch of cars parked in the road and people milling so I walked there.  Yes, they had parked in the road.  To stop at the fish monge

The cankles are worth it. Plus, 7s and 9s are not "sixes and sevens"

Jet leg is gonna happen.  But on very long voyages it is tolerable.  It's 0400 here, I've been awake for 3 hours.  But, I slept for 7 before that, it's all good. And, I don't fear the moonburn on my scalp! 80F and a pleasant dampness.  A light breeze completes the comfort. Let's pick up after my last sleep - the flight to Kuala Lumpur (aka KL). Before this trip I'd taken to following the major Malaysian (country code MY, used hereafter) English language papers.  The Star (KL) and the New Straits Times (Penang, I think).  Just to get a feel for the place, people, and politics.   It was generally reaffirming and positive.  They're not super informative and  let's call them 'patriotic.' I saw a few letters to the editor re KUL also known as KLIA.  HKH/HKIA (Hong Kong), SIN (Singapore), ICN (Seoul) are major international airports.  3 I truly have enjoyed.  I think SYD and MEL are of simalar regional importance too and of the same level even if not i

Day 3 - Quito: Thieves (street and otherwise), Nice Girls, Art, and Food

Day 3: - 01Jun23 Written: Quito, ~1500 First: Happy Birthday, Dad! What a day so far. I thought I'd head to the other end of town.  (No, I cannot remember if it's North or South.) The Cathedral (OK, that makes it the southern end.  I think.) side. About half way there I though a bird shit on me.  Then two guys started to try to help clean off what was more like mustard than bird poop.  I knew something was wrong.  How could it come from above only touch my hat brim above but stretch down my neck to my right leg.  Makes no sense.  It must have come from behind.  Bells and whistles started in my head. One guy started cleaning my left leg.  Which happened to have a zippered pocket on the side of my thigh.   And did not have stinky stuff on it.  Alarms, klaxons, and "hooters" (So. African for a klaxon) started SCREAMING. Full alert, this is not a drill! I looked.  The pocket was open.  I slapped a hand; my wallet fell to the ground.  I stepped on it.  Suddenly my helpers