I am utterly hammered ...Happy New Year + Creation of the worlds' best cocktail
What a fucking day. Now, correction, WHAT A FUCKING DAY. The headline is innaccurate; the typing will not be. Typing is prima facie evidence that I'm very tight right now which is really Q.E.D. Up at 0500. At airport (RSW for RSW-CLT-PHX-SBP) at 0630 for an 0825 flight. All good. Except.... ....Last night at 2200 I noticed a dense fog on the SWFL (SW Florida - not Single White Female, Lesbian, which was a mistake I made. It was contextually sensible. But on the other hand, I was sober. At 0500 I was awake, and sober, and it was foggier. Driving the 35 miles north to RSW (Ft. Meyers - South West Florida international airport "RSW") it got heavier but the conversation was good and I failed to notice that. 0630 Checked in, at the gate. The wait began. FOG. (30s) FOG (30s*) FOG!!!!! Imagine a bathtub. With a leaky faucet. And, a clogged drain. Focus on it...