
Showing posts from December, 2024

I am utterly hammered ...Happy New Year + Creation of the worlds' best cocktail

 What a fucking day.  Now, correction, WHAT A FUCKING DAY.   The headline is innaccurate; the typing will not be.  Typing is prima facie evidence that I'm very tight right now which is really Q.E.D.  Up at 0500. At airport (RSW for RSW-CLT-PHX-SBP) at 0630 for an 0825 flight.  All good.  Except.... ....Last night at 2200 I noticed a dense fog on the SWFL (SW Florida - not Single White Female, Lesbian, which was a mistake I made.  It was contextually sensible.  But on the other hand, I was sober. At 0500 I was awake, and sober,  and it was foggier.  Driving the 35 miles north to RSW (Ft. Meyers - South West Florida international airport "RSW") it got heavier but the conversation was good and I failed to notice that. 0630 Checked in, at the gate.  The wait began. FOG.   (30s)   FOG   (30s*)  FOG!!!!! Imagine a bathtub.  With a leaky faucet.  And, a clogged drain.  Focus on it...

International Comings and Goings as of 2024


Holiday Update

Not much to say.  :) Passing my days dreaming of Shangri-La (PNG is close enough on the scale that matters: S-MM2H application was formally submitted in November.  6 months of "expected" processing time in Government hands. Running so many game theoretic models in my head (Me v. Nature; Prisoner's Dilemma, Night At the Opera, Opera versus Boxing) trying to find a stable equilibrium.  You can take me out of grad school, but you can't take the economic thinking out of me.  No real action expected on my part until March, at the earliest.  Sigh.  Making the right move sucks in the short time frame.  I'll be fine. I have some ideas.  Most of them are bad.  So, I keep running models and mulling over ideas in my head.  I'll figure something out* I'll spend the holiday with family.  Low key: Reading walking, sleeping, eating, chatting, figuring shit out. ...