What a day...

Not going to blog bomb like yesterday...

Last night's Roti Cenai was so good I wanted more.  But with more authenticity - from a street vendor.  That's the way it's eaten here.  Off I went to "Closed Wednesday."  They open Thursday.  Through a combination of "Bad Bahasa" and pointing on my part, I received this:

Strong, ice cold Teh Tarik.

But wait, you wanted eggs on griddled bread.  Yeah, I forgot to take a photo.  Which is a shame because I could have explained how I got two rotis with a fried egg inside each instead of one roti nesting two sunny side up eggs. (Yesterday I said "over easy" - that was wrong. They're never flipped in the nest.)  I did point to an empty egg carton, say Roti Telur ("Egg" Roti), make my hands into a ring, and then signal "2."  Cannot complain if you get what you ask for.

Walked home but was too stuffed to get banana Fritters.  Mistake.

I stopped at a pharmacy - I am out of Prevacid. 10 Famitodine (my OTC alternative) cost me....RM 2..that is $0.50.

Then I went to see the guy the Dutch couple recommended for the Visa help.  Hmmm, the office was closed.  Hmmm, they have another office in town.  It was a kick of hot mugginess away but another good wander about

Thing I saw on my walks

The 21st Malaysian Games have been going on here for a few weeks.
Para and Special versions as well.

Another coy kitty

Party Cat!

I do not think they "get" the taco notion.
Then again, nor did the Kogi Truck.

A stylized hornbill sculpture.
The State bird of Sarawak.

Ok, that's Roti Paratha.
If the filling is not Mexican influenced...
And the bread is Indian - that's Roti Paratha...
Where's the taco infusion in this Fusion Cuisine?

Mall elevator:
Food by type to be found in their TWO food courts.
(The picture was taken for the cat...)

Yup, that fits me pretty well.

So I ended up at the "Visa guy's" (hereafter "Jonathon") 'working' office.  The one across the street is to woo the undecided folks - fancy design, fancy coffee, fancy furniture.  I do not need wooing.  I'm in.  This office was their functional place and just fine.

They copied my passport, I signed some papers, 'created' a "CV" of my work and education experiences.  

I have officially begun the moving process.  He drove me to the bank where I began more paper work.

With luck by the end of October my application will be approved.  I will receive a 5 year stay.  I can come and go as I please.  I pay no taxes on US income.  I can easily renew for 5 years after that.  I cannot imagine the state of the world in 10 years.  I'll figure it out in a decade.

Jonathon drove me back to the hotel (I would have walked but it's really hot when the sun is out.)

I decided to head back to yesterday's culinary good fortune at the Teochow Hawker Center for "Braised Pork."  That's what it's called.  What's in the braising liquid?  Don't know; don't care!

It was so good.  3 different cuts.  Some fatty delights.  The eggs were pretty good.  The broth was amazing.  The Winterm Melon drink was great.  And, the portion sized perfectly.

That was on the western side of town.  It was closing down as I left.  Banana man was closed.  Sigh.

There are no banana guys on the eastern side of town.  There is a braised pork place.  And, I'm hungry.

I'll leave you with these amazing pieces of trash...
