Wait, wait, tell me more!

Why did I stop writing the last post?  I was hungry.

I wanted Mee Goreng (fried noodles...stir fried).  The front desk pointed the way.  No pics, think spaghetti but a brown spicy sauce.  With a squeeze of lime and some extra sambal.   Yeah, it was good.  It had a surprisingly Thai palate to it.  I washed it down with fresh watermelon juice, my favorite.  Finished the drink; couldn't finish the noodles.

Back to Saturday.

The place I went for coffee and a snack, if it were local food oriented it would be a "kopitam" (a coffeehouse), but it's British themed.  They are proud of being here and focus on Sarawakian wine (who knew?) and coffee (I should have though of that one...Kopi Civet is from the region.)  They make a damn good espresso.

Sarawakian beans are good.  Frankly, they have many of the same attributes as the Equitorial Americas.  Fruity, bright, nice acidity.  Just how I like it.  So when I'm tired and they're open it's a sure fire ("Vellfire"?) win.

The walk across the street was enough to ignite the sweat rockets.  So, I decided I'd sit under the a fan on the patio.  The first seat was too cold!  Air-conditioning on sweat...I moved to another.

All watched by an attractive woman at a 4 top with 2 wine glasses.  I felt compelled to explain:  "ahhh, A/C + sweat...."  She asked I would like to sit at that table.  Sure, I joined them.

Her accent is Germanic.  I hear more Germans speaking when I travel these days than I do English it seems.  (See: Ecuador write up, especially the Tele-fer-ico day)

I asked "Woher kommen Sie aus?"  She said "What?"  I said, I thought you have a German accent and thus asked where you're from.  She said: The Netherlands...but originally Austria.  Dutch is the intermediary language between German and English.  She obviously speaks all 3 fluently.

Then an elegant silver haired man a bit less than 2m tall joined us with 2 glasses of wine.  I am ashamed to admit, I never caught her name clearly well enough to figure it out let alone remember.  First, I thought she had said "Secret" - cool name.  Later I would think "Cynthia."  I still don't know.  His name is Cornelius. I think.  

What wonderful people.

We talked about travel, work, Malaysia...they have just completed the Sarawak Malaysia My 2nd Home process.  This was their house hunting trip.  Hell, yes! I listened closely.  I have the name of their S-MM2H agent (a requirement)  and a number of apartment recommendations.  

Just simply wonderful folk.

And, it was both reassuring and re-affirming that Malaysia and especially Sarawak are drawing the type of people I like.  We don't agree on everything (I'm more bleeding heart liberal; they're more libertarian) but we all understood how to disagree agreeably.  That is what I needed. 

And, things just got better from there.

Enough writing, I'm in the middle of another good book.  And then there is some sailboat racing in Barcelona to watch.  (The America's Cup run up is underway, you troglodytes!  The USA will be bounced out in a few hours.)
