Time in rural Sarawak - Santubong

Santubong. Yeah, it sounds like the name of a sacred water pipe...I think the Italian would be Santobong (a la the Banco di Spirito Santo in Vatican City.  Really.)

Here's the mountain with the same name:

Here's some nice shots of the place I stayed, The Village House:

Sounded like a SantuGong

Totems are common in Borneo...and the US' PNW?

My room.
Those stairs were tricky.  Really tricky.  very very shallow.
And, slippery.

What did I do?  Nothing.

Took a few walks but it was brutally hot and sunny. 

On the walk that ended at  the beach, there was no water.  Low tide was waaaaaayyyyyy out.  I did not wish to risk losing my hat, shades, or the shades in the water and took them off before I set out doen the sand to find the water.  I walked past the sand.  To the mud.  Above ankle depth.  Back to sand.  And onward.  10-15 minutes without sunglasses hurts the eyes, scalp, and shoulder.  I turned around.  It was a good decision.  My memory is sure I took photos to show you.  My computers say otherwise.  I'm DIMM, I guess.

I watched the Luis Vuitton Cup - you know that.
I watched F1 - you know that.
I could not post after a few days because the internet went down - you know that
I learned to be nice to the SigInt Community - you're laughing at that.  I am too.
I learned that dipping in the pool helps cool down quickly (duh, physics) - you don't get to see that.

I ate well. Slept reasonably well.  I enjoyed myself.

I also thought, worried, fretted, figured, pondered, and did all the fun internal shit that happens with being Autistic. 

In other words:  I just was.

And, I was just fine.
