Sailors can absolutely "see" the wind

From today's racing, can you see the wind?

I am not a fan of Red Bull Racing in F1.  I am a fan of Team Mercedes AMG Petronas in F1.  Both teams are actually involved in the AC37 - cost caps in F1 mean the lessons learned from the sailing teams are hugely important.  Today the Merc boys bounced the RBR crew.  YAY!


1) The team have very different core values.  

I will support Toto Wolf, James Vowels, and Sir Lewis Hamilton over Christian Horner and Max Verstappen.  Yup, even with Vowels now at Williams and Lewis heading to Ferraaaaaaaahhhhhh - I cannot say the name, yet.  

And, Max has matured substantially in the last year or so.  I commend him for that.  Substantially; but, woefully short of the level that would have me drinking Heineken.

What I perceive as "sportsmanship" is pretty rigid, but I hold myself to it as well.

2) The love of Merc came before the love of Malaysia and has absolutely nothing with the financial ties to Petronas.  My F1 squad will vouch for me; I arrived with Lewis.  Not after.  

Entirely because of his "Top Gear" defense of the move before it occurred.  It was ballsy and classy both.  Clarkson was Clarkson, Lewis was Lewis.  Love 'em both.  But there's a reason some folk dislike Mr. Clarkson.  He can be a horse's ass too often. Colossally so.

Many fans of each sport disagree with me on both issues.  Some very vehemently.  That's cool.  Passion is part of what makes sports so fun.

By the way, F1 and AC 37 are both "formula" racing where teams design their equipment, mostly.  (F1 engines can be bought; the eliminated French squad had bought an entire design package from the Kiwis.  Legally.)

In AC37 today:

USA clawed back to 3-4 (1st to 5 wins, 2 races/day) against ITA today.  The Italian boat went "BOOM" - a line (the traveler) holding "...probably 10 or 11 tonnes on it..." broke (or broke a part connected to it) in the 2nd. 

An unfortunate turn of events and ugly way to gain a win from an impressive Italian squad.  Between UK (Merc ties), USA (still love my country), and ITA (class acts and an incredible boat design) I cannot easily pick a winner to face NZ in the finals.

Sailing is as emotionally cruel and pro bicycle racing is physically. 

It is soooooooooo sucky to be becalmed or broken when the other guy ain't.  Between sea state and wind state it's just ... (jump to 40s if you must...) but with more a LOT money involved.
