More ketchup, please...

Tomato Ketchup?
Kecap Manis?
Kecap Pedas*

Nope....CATCH UP

Let's play!

Catch Up #1 - Kecap Manis: The Dutch
Kecap Manis is sweet and salty...

I "remembered" the name of Cornelius' wife.  Sigrid.

I would like to say I combined "Secret" and "Cynthia" to create a cognate/homophone.  But, y'all know I cannot lie.  Your choice, please select from {Autism!, Moral Core,  Absurd, Fuckin' Autism!, Weirdo, Proper Upbringing, Just Not Gonna Lie}  

Any and all subsets is the only correct answer I can craft.  Now, my guess is that the subset of readers who get that without googling or cussing at math memories is either empty/null or the amazing number one.  Comment away.

Oh, I asked the staff at the Kopitam.

If my new acquaintances are reading:  HELLO.  I spoke to one of J's associates today.  And, I feel "sehr schrecklich" about being monopolizing our 2nd chat; "Entshuldigung mich, bitte."  I hope to see you next year.

Catch Up #2 - Kecap Pedas: The Hot
Kecap Pedas is hot  

Alas, not 'hot' as in "picante" (not from Old El Paso, from your local Mexican joint.)  'Hot' as in just freakin'  equatorial hot and humid.  Still.  I stopped checking the weather.

But my adaption continues.  Food is tasty again.  Excessively filling, but tasty.

The real clue.   On arrival I set the thermostat to 64F all the time and cheated the A/C system to run all the time.  Now, I set it at 74F and leave it off when I leave the room.  When I return I literally shiver and get goosebumps.  I am hydrated.  I am sleeping better.

The heat has been oppressive nonetheless.  

Catch Up #3 - Sambal
Tomato Ketucp is a boring unitasker.  It's sole acceptable use is on fried potatoes.  Nothing more.  Sambal is on the other hand so varied, bold, multipurpose, and amazing that it will replace salsa and Srirachi soon.  Mark my words.   Think "Plastics!" - really, I am serious.

Oh, autism is like your brain on sambal too.  And, thus, sambal means me as far as "Ketchups Of The World" and this blog go.  

As noted above, it's fucking hot.  And, as implied in damn near all I have written on this trip indicates, I have at times struggled.

Anxiety is affected by neither latitude nor longitude (beyond the range of the physical environment...fucking heat.)  


The road is rising to my feet.  The wind is at my back.  

Wait,  I'm a sailing fan.  Modern boats are such technological marvels they can sail faster than the wind.**   

Landlubbers that y'all are (fewer sailors than math geeks) the few of you that know the 37th America's Cup is happening this year know because I ranted and raved about it to you.  It's a niche sport.  So niche it's in the Olympics, OK?  QED

Malaysia is full of flags.  I have learned to watch them like a sailor.  I try to route myself downwind first (contra the AC37 course), I sit facing to windward at every chance.  A breeze on the face matters.  Walking home always requires more cooling than the outbound legs and is thusly (adverbs!) preferred to windward.

I decided I wanted more wind and a bit less stress.  Time for a vacation.

Welcome to the Demai Peninsula.  Near Kampung Santubong.  Complete with Mt. Santubong  

More later....

(No pics but a wonderful Indian style chicken curry for dinner.  With some type of 'ground' spinach.  Really good.  Washed down with one of my faves...watermelon juice.  I'm addicted.)

....I'm chillin' tonight.


Update, a few hours later: it's currently 82F and 'feels like' 89F outside.  I just turned off the A/C , turned on the ceiling fan, and opened the windows.  Because I was cold with the A/C on.  Wow.  And, I just saw a skeeter.  Sooooo much for fresh air.  Damn.


* Remember my wordle challenge....?

** By virtue of being able to sail 30-50MpH in 10-12MpH of wind, a modern sailor always has the wind in their face.  The boats are "foiling" boats.  As in "hydrofoils" (and technically "aerofoils" too.)  A 75 foot AC75 Class boat has a minimum racing weight over 15,000 pounds.  It has probably less than 2 square meters of surface area in contact when at speed.   

Oh, and all of the mechanical energy required to trim sails, booms, and masts must be from humans.  4 dudes pedaling bikes.  Yeah, really.  I don't care if it is a unitasker...4 dudes pedaling bikes are moving 15,000 pounds at breathtaking speeds is stupidly cool.  

Remember man has powered the world by wind for a long time.  Windmills and sailboats drove almost all but the last ~200 years of advancement.  Sailors and sailing are important even if niche.  Watch the world of freighters...."Plastics!" #2 for you youngins tonight. 
