Best day of the trip so far...

 ...And, I am happily exhausted.

seeking out Snickers, juices, and full sugared Sprite.  Just for calories.  And, fluid.

Today I might have only burned 50% more calories than I consumed.  Burning them isn't the problem.  Consuming them is.

NO.  That is not viable nor healthy.  

Too tired to write much more.

Malak Ramen with Beef
Let's wordle in Malay - I'll even give you the letters: ADEPS
There are two answers, both apply to that dish.

Dude's gotta style I adore.

New view.  The north side of the river is MY Side.
(Cryptic pun fully intende.d)

I swear, I am NOT a cat person.  I have never had a cat as a pet (Mom did adopt a stray after I had left for college so my sibs had 'em.)  Never adored them.  Never thought of 'em.

Here, I cannot escape them.  Peninsular Malaysia has big cats - Tigers  and Leopards. Not sure if Borneo does, but it is on the side of the Wallace Line that 'could' have them.  Google tells me Borneo split the difference: they have Cloud Leopards here but no tigers.

I think I have seen 1 dog this week.  Dogs and Islam don't appreciate each other.

No people or places pics today.  I was in the Kampungs.  The photos would cause Westerners to make faulty assumptions.  It was by far the best hours of the trip.  But, It has taken me 20+ (total) days in this wonderful country to stop judging.  I have tried from day 1 and gotten better each and every day.  I cannot understand this place.  But, I sure as hell love the people here.  

To the Bumiputeras I encountered today: Terimah Kasih.  You are all Princes and Princesses in my world.  Not just in name.
