Alive, tired, a bit sore, yet absolutely still smiling
After dinner tonight I was really worried that I could not remember what I had for breakfast. I walked (OK, stumbled, wandered, and waddled) all the way home. Beginning to think I'm losing my mind.
Then I remembered I di not eat breakfast. I had a quick errand to run with The Jonathon. We needed to get my physical results "certified." RM 40 and it was done.
They had a scale though. I have dropped at least 5 kilos (203ish when I left, below198 now)* of real weight since arrival. It's hard to assess. I am drinking and sweating litres every much is my body carrying? The right amount is all that matters. But, I have also put some muscle on my (already stunningly gorgeous) legs.
What matters more is I feel generally healthy.
Generally. Uneven sidewalks, high curbs, slippery surfaces and thinly soled unpadded shoes have my legs and feet feeling a lil' beat up. I have walked a lot this month. I mean A LOT.
No matter what the metric of distance is:
So, it's to be expected. Aleve did not help last night. And, I slept very poorly. Tonight I'll take a tramadol. The Rx is from 2018 and has some pills mixed up from rib damage in 2010. I carry it when I travel for occasions just like this. For a guy who has been known to smoke an excessive amount of weed, I am extremely conscious and careful about Rx meds. Especially pain killers. Not sure why, but I'm grateful I am.
Some recent food fun for you:
I liked the egg one better.
I was tired of it...

Damn, Malaysian chickens are tasty.
RM 5 for the best chicken Rice I have ever had.
Sure it looks simple...
Oh well, I'll be home soon. Sigh.
* Gonna leave that typo as is. Its funny.
Home 102-103KG
This AM 96.5KG
At home I weigh myself in the AM, so this is a fair comp.