The Clouds Have Left...

 I miss them.

Without them the sun blazes with the ... the heat of a single sun.

A single sun shining relentlessly on The Tropics.  Relentless. Hot. Relentlessly hot.  Threatening to blister tender white skin in seconds.

Luckily, I awoke before dawn for my walk today.  No intention or reason.  0500 hit and I was awake.  Might as well go for a walk.

In the pre-dawn silence, and more importantly in the pre-dawn coolness, I wandered a circular route inland.  I saw the other mosque.  It looked like it was set up in a marketplace.  And had more heat vents that I have ever seen on one building before.  20+ whirling dervishes atop its sloping roof.   I would not have recognized if not for the onion bulb and 6 speakers.  Six.  50% more than the pretty mosque.

Last night they were put to use.  After the call for the faithful at dark there was a "homily."  My Arabic is very weak.  Far worse than my half dozen phrases of Bahasa.  It droned on forever.  I guess some things don't change across religions. 

The return leg looped back towards Route 2.  Many motorcycles.  I heard one approach and yell "Geeehm!"  There could only be one reply: "Bob!"   Sure enough it was Bob, his son, and wife.  Waves were exchanged.

As I arrived at Casa D' McTie, I saw him ride off with his son.

Nasi Lemak today.  With peanuts!  And, Teh terik.  Somebody walked over from another table and glanced at my food.  "Nasi Lemak, Teh???"  "Yes, wonderful nasi and Teh!!!"  He wandered away.

Shortly after it arrived, Bob returned.  He sat and we chatted.  A genuinely nice man.  He introduced his wife but she had to run back to the kitchen as things picked up.  Bob asked about my travels and was impressed.  I was proud. 

He was even more impressed by my true appreciation of what I have seen.  Which is simply wonderful people.  I am the only westerner I have seen since arriving here.  I've heard some English echoing in the hallways late at night.  But always just gone back to sleep.  I've taken a few photos for other diners, Malaysians on vacation, when they were struggling to get N+1 people in a photo that would only fit N people in it.  They were all friendly and excited to have help.  Simple courtesies are given and received easily here.

He asked if my travels in Africa included the Middle East.  No, too dangerous for an American I said.  Especially now.  I shared my truthful opinion (both sides are very very wrong.)  That was good enough for him.

He was called back to work.  As I was finishing he returned.  The nice man who had looked at my plate had paid for the meals of all the diners. 

Simple courtesies are given and received easily here.

As they should be, everywhere.
