Meta, Verse Two
I do not know her name. She had that "only in Asia" scowl on her face again today. I think of her as Mama Tudong. And, am coming to love her in her gruff way.
I was ready, I mean really fucking ready, this time. She'd not outfox, outwit, fool me once again. I was gonna get my Mee Celup.
I walked in, the first customer of the day. And, "in" is a loose word when a restaurant only has three walls. I mean, I walked under the roof.
After a night of serious contemplation, strategizing, preparation I was really fucking ready.
(Okay, the strike through was not there when I entered.)
That says unambigously, and double checked against the big menu on the wall: "Mee Celup Beef."
Take that, Mama Tudong!!!
"No Mee Celup, you want Mee goreeng???"
Take that, Mama Tudong!!!
"No Mee Celup, you want Mee goreeng???"
Look over at the menu again, hmmmm what do I want.
"You want Mee goreeng!!! Mee goreeng daging!!!"
I ain't gonna argue with you, Mama.
"You want spicy?"
"Of course I want spicy - this is Malaysia!" (in yo' face, Mama!) "and Teh"
It wasn't spicy and she gave me ice water.
I smiled. But I showed her. I really fuckin' showed her...I boldly got up and went to another table and picked up the condiment rack. I love the Thai green chili slices in sweet vinegar (this is a Tomyam restaurant and thus should be Thai.) I made it spicy damnit. I cleaned my plate.
For dessert I ordered the classic mango and sticky rice to really show her! And, it was consumed entirely. Entirely with my right hand. Free of western utensils. Just like a local or a Thai would.
I sure showed her.
I told her it was yummy. I rubbed my belly. (Today is a federal holiday here to celebrate Buddha's life and enlightenment - I wear my belly proudly, today.)
She smiled.
I am 100% certain she was thinking of my face tomorrow morning...