Curiosity sets in...

This is a condo building.  A mix of residents, Air BnBs, and timeshares.  And it's 12 miles from town.  Not the best for exploring.  But, simple, comforting (AC!!!), and relaxing (well, other than the noise at times.)  The local "warungs" (family owned restaurants and stores) don't seem to open much.  Not sure why.  Off season?  Holiday week (tomorrow is both a state and federal holiday)?  "The Tropics"? "Whatevies"?  Sometimes my choices are rather limited.

Especially when I fear the heat (weather or yesterday's sambal...) and don't wander far.

Sunday I started to wander a bit.  It continues.  Not fearlessly.  But at least happily.

Sunday was a beach stroll to the south - the pill box photo.  And, a refreshing Mango Mojito.  Nope, not booze.  This place is dry generally.  Just carbonated water, lemon, and mango puree.  Pretty damn good.  Sorry, no photo - think peach colored fizzy water with lemon...  The map also has the pill box location.

Then for lunch it was chicken shwarma from:  It was so good!  I raced back for a second (RM10 for a large, yes I had 2).  Probably too much garlic and eaten too quickly.  I have not been so bloated that 500mg of smethicone did not provide relief before.  A lonnng afternoon ensued.  Next time, just one.  And, slowly.

Warning: do not inhale.  Simply enjoy slowly.

The place I've enjoyed the most (nasi lemak and Mee goreeng) has been closed the last two days.  Dunno why. I hope they re-open soon.  I loved the mee.

Today was more nasi:  Light on the fish and that was (very surprisingly) a disappointment.  On the other hand, PEANUTS!  The worst nasi of the trip - still reallllllly good.  And a generous portion.

Very sweet and I do love the peanuts.

Then I wandered to the north just to wander.  This time a long the road. 

Hot.  Sweaty.  Terrifying.  The traffic here is heterogeneous.  Fast and slow. Wrong way motorcycles.  Right side driving.  No sidewalks.  Motorcycles on the shoulder.  Passing is in either lane.  Absolutely worth crossing the street to walk against traffic - so you can face your death rather than letting it catch you from behind.   Between heat sweat and fear sweat I lost a few kilos.

I've been wanting roti canai of some variant for awhile.  I was hoping for roti pisang - banana roti.  A roti is like a cross between a crepe and a tortilla and created kinda like an NYC pizza.  If the pizza dough were being manhandled by the NYPD like a flock of liberals.... 

No bananas, sigh.  So, just a plain one.  With a cup of Teh-O, hot tea with evaporated mik (sit back and think of England, like tea with milk and sugar.)  Tasty.  And served  with a bit of dal or curry with bits of potato in it.  First time of the trip I ate like a local - no utensils.  And, I did manage to keep my left hand idle!

No banana for you! 
Well, okay, I can live with that.

Back to Long Island for now, I'm reading the second Dortmunder series book (Donald E. Westlake) -- there has been a bank stolen on the island.  Not a bank being robbed; they stole the whole damn bank.  It was a mobile home.  Dortmunder and I are surely kindred souls.


dkearns72 said…
“Wrong way motorcycles”?!

Teh-O sounds interesting, šŸµ
VagabondJim said…
When you're walking against traffic and the motorcycles approach from behind! Thankfully, they tend to be going pretty slowly and be on the shoulder. But it's unsettling.

Teh-* and Kopi-* are VERY complicated for a simpleton like me. Teh-O Lemon has been good to me so I usually order that. They didn't hear (or have) the "Lemon." Gotta go with the flow. It was good.
VagabondJim said…
Correction: I had Teh. Not Teh-O. The default is evaporated milk. Teh-O is just sugar.

They didn't catch the "O." I'm better for it.