A nice morning stroll...

 ...left me with sore feet, of course.


By intent this time.

My feet have been a bit rough lately.  And you know what emory boards or paper are without backing or support?  Sand, baby!

Anyone who has spent a day at the beach knows it can be abrasive on the little piggies.  And the rest of the foot.  So, go to the beach, rub off a bunch of dead skin.  Not as good as those little skin eating fish in Singapore spas.  But still effective.

I walked north hoping to see the other pill box.  Why?  Dunno.  Efforts in futility - others' futility - amuse me.  I am reading Dortmunder with glee after all.

So I trudged happily this cold and frigid morning.  Shackleton, Amundsen, Scott, Perry, VagabondJim...

Yes, the feels like temp only required 2 digits!
(It rained yesterday in the evening, that may have helped.  Maybe.)

Fear not, the Tilley Endurable Airflow hat has ample protection from sunburn and tropical frostbite.  Soon enough I was doused in sweat.  Soaked, doused, covered, aglow...you can pick your own favorite.

After somewhere in the area of 2.5km (I love being inconsistent with units - I'm doing my part to keep minds sharp out there) I came upon a stream pouring into the (South China) Sea.  Some actual velocity, weak sand (super fine grain - liquefaction happens shockingly quickly, easily, and often on this beach with my heft), an unseeable depth (almost surely below my nipples), and a desire to neither make a bigger fool of myself nor sacrifice my phone to Neptune (I carry it below my nipples - breast or shorts pocket) meant I thought twice.

And, I thought of the little piggies.

Common sense prevailed and I returned.  Like the winner of the Kentucky Derby, I arrived in a timely and sweaty fashion.  And like the crowd that watches him (sorry, fillies and mares usually have to settle for the Kentucky Oaks on Saturday) I was wearing my favorite funny hat.

My feet duly, if slightly to excess, abraded and thus softened were happy.  If tender.  Nothing to worry about.

A shower and I was off to Casa D' Mc Tie's (no, I have absolutely no idea what that means or who it might be) for Mee Goreeng for breakfast.  Being my third time here the gentleman who runs it asked my name.  Then Bob (his nom d' commerce for Americans undoubtedly) told me they were almost out of Mee goreng.

Soon they were completely out.  I smiled.  And, ordered a roti canai to fill out my Buddha like belly.  The roti came with a gravy/curry thing for dipping.  Yummy.  Droplets of oil glistening on it, red wonderful liquid with the tiniest of vertebrae it .  I assume they were the necks of the product of the mean lady up the road.  I sucked the meat off them and heard this warning in my head:

"Baby, eat this chicken slow It's full of all them little bones..."

Happy hour was indeed here.  Especially in the form of Teh Tarik ("pulled tea")

BTW, the pool was hoping with action at 0900 again.

Ok, the pictures suck, but there were families aplenty again. I did not want anyone to think I was taking their picture, so I stayed wide.

Back to the room for another sleepless 3 hour "nap."  Quality time is how you spend it.  I spend mine in the A/C.


dkearns72 said…
Quality, crisp, affordable AC is a daydream subject of mine.