Airports, Ringgit, and Yen

I passed thru KLIA 3 primary times (entry, transit KUA-LGK, homeward) The first two times I withdrew RM1,000. I still have RM1,000 Other than <150 Ringgit for Grab fares and <600 Ringgit for the Kuah Town hotel, everything was in cash. And, I did not skimp. And, I needn't share all the details but there was a good deed done in there too. All food, drink, sundries (were there any?) came to less than $250 in 10 days. Wow. In Narita, which is a better airport to exit than to exist inside of, I withdrew 50,000 Yen. The bus from Narita to Haneda was Y6000 and worth it. Fast and easy. No stress whatsoever. If I cannot connect both in and out of Haneda on future trips, I will not sweat it. Not in the least. Efficient. I paid cash for this hotel room ~Y17,500ish. That includes the fees and taxes. And, I'm not getting ripped off. The bathroom alone was worth it. Tiny but lu...