A Very Good Day

Quito, ~1545

Exhaustion is setting in and I'm doing my best to pay attention.  Honest, I am.  It's also about accepting limits and being smart.  That's very hard to do here.  Elevation is tough on a fat (but thinning) and balding dude.

Today's sole destination: Science! (For kids)

My two favorite museums, in the world, are Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry and Muenchen's Deutsches Museum.

[Immediate digression, to live in the moment: While it has rained here everyday, it sounds like a doozy is about to blow in.  Thunder for the first time.  Big temp and light drop just now.  Glad I'm blogging rather than logging footsteps  at this moment.   I hear the stores shuttering; I do not hear the touts.  Oh, shit...

20 minutes later...

I now have 3 bananas, some cookies and chips - perfect for a rainy night dinner.  Plus about 4 litres of various fluids.  Hydration matters at elevation.

Supermercado Santa Maria must be one of the nice girl Santas Maria.  Much better than that #$%!! Supermercado TIA.

I am in for the night.  At 1615]

I was going to try to sleep in this morning.  Told Don Jorge I'd be skipping breakfast.  I forgot today is Saturday.  Which makes a difference when staying in the tourist zone.  The touts are out early to catch the early suckers.  (Few of whom are American.  Good?  Bad?)  And the crowds are noisy.  I swear, a marching band passed by at 0730.  I tried, I really tried.  Oh well.

At 0900 I rolled out.   Breakfast was the freshest orange juice available, short of being in the orchard.  $1.25 for a giant frothy mug of squeezed in front of me OJ.  Wonderful.  Not enough though in hindsight. Mercado Central for the win, again.  

(On the way to breakfast.  The sky...!)

A TroleyBus, and that right hand turn, again.  Up the hill but east of the Mean Girl this time.  To the MIC in Chimbacalle.  That just sounds delicious to me.  No, I have no idea why.  It just rolls off a gringo's tongue.  Easy to remember too.

Which would have been great had it been the proper bus stop.  Ughhh, a steeeeeeeep climb on foot to the correct one.  And then a another climb up the side streets.  I was panting like a dog and sweating like a pig when I got there.  I refuse to take my hat off when in the midday sun.  That does not help.  But in the end it beats a sunburned scalp.  IYKYK, kids.

What a strange and neat museum.  And serendipity was on my side.

It's the site of an old textile factory of great import.  When the Conquistadors arrived there was a sudden switch from camelid (Llamas, Alpacas, Vicunas, etc.  [Yes, Silicic, Guancos too. 😜]) to sheep based wool.  It really prospered when the railroad came to town 3 centuries later.)  Like rivers, natural fibers,  and railroads are the threads of history.  

"La Industria" made a mint.  And, it was a dangerous place to work.  Fast moving very heavy machinery ate fingers and arms.  Not pretty.  So, like much of LatAm, unionization happened pretty quickly.  The subsequent cooperative was a success.

Evidently the depreciation is not an accepted accounting practice here or the ownership never invested in upgraded machinery.  I find management to generally be short term focused so let's blame the suits.  After a couple of bankruptcies and nearly 100 years, the mill eventually shuttered and fell into disrepair.

The city stepped in 10+ years ago and turned it into a nice little museum. $2 is a steal

There's no real rhyme or reason to it.  It caters to kids.  And, I'm still one at heart.

There's a bit of history on display:
('Site Museum: Historical threads connecting to you.')

Alas, no explanation was provided for the machines.  Best I can tell these were mostly for spooling freshly wound thread.  They're not looms.  They'd still devour limbs.

On the subject of danger and damage.  I stumble into a miniature version of BattleBots!  1 pound class robots fighting to the death! It's Robot Fightin' Time!  Just good fun.  Except for the team from Mexico - they got slaughtered.  Horizontal spinners are outdated.  The little vertical spinners will win in this weight class for a while.  Until something 'Huge' comes along (again, IYKYK)

Violence made me hungry.  $1 yielded this

Ham and cheese...with pineapple marmalade.  Should have had 3.  YUMMY.  

There were a bunch of, mostly broken, displays about physics as well.  Sure, most were beat to crap but it was fun.  For the record, I'm unhappy with this explanation of pulleys:
(1/3rd?  It should be reciprocals of the powers of two!  
I.e., 1, 1/2, 1/4. No?  And, they start with 1 pulley.  
This sequence should read 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 if this sailor's memory isn't shot.)

Still, I loved it.  The best part is a basketball court sized diorama of the city.  It's not as "canyony" as I had thought (although my legs tell me otherwise.)
That big green strip is the OLD airport.  What a great thing to do with it - it's a park now
Left red circle = Plaza del Gran Siglo XVI; right red circle = Big Mean Girl; Lil Blue dot is my best guess as to where I am.
It's a freakin' huge exhibit,  At least the size of a basketball court.  Massively impressive.

After all that I was hungry.  The museum is focused on community:

They seem to get it here.  They wanted to support local businesses too.

A steak sounded good.  But it was a long walk.  Uphill.  Of course.

$10 for the grisliest cut of under-cooked meat I have ever had.  (Sure, I could have sent it back.  But I'm fine with rare to be honest.) $5 for a jar of incredibly delicious lemonade. All-in-all a ripoff.  But, I got ripped off as if I was a local.  I loved it!

And, as I posted the pic of the address placard, I just now realized I was there 2 hours before they open.  So, I have far less to complain about.  The lemonade really was worth $15 as I was parched and dehydrated.

The walk to the Troley passed the train station.  In disrepair.

(Ominous clouds!)

Back to the 'Grand 16th C.' for this
$3.50 and worth every penny.

Today has been my most expensive day yet.  I don't think I spent half my daily non-lodging budget.  And that includes the $10 in snacks from the super market.  Wow.

Good night.  Too tired to edit or proof.  Maybe I'll clean up this rusty train wreck later.  Maybe.




Louise Silacci said…
Would you suggest going a day early to rest prior to exploring the city? Would that help with the exhaustion?
p13carat said…
You had one adventurous day! Dessert looked really yummy!
Anna Graeber said…
p13carat is me ;-)
VagabondJim said…

Thanks for reading!

Desserts here are very yummy. And, crepes are a long time personal favorite. Had another today.

The bananas here are the best I've ever had. That should not have surprised me. It did.
